Friday 24 June 2011

Taking A Better Look At The Schumacher SE-4020 10/40/200-AMP Wheel-Style Charger And Starter

These days, with money being so tight for everyone, many people have taken to doing their auto repairs themselves. If you are one of those people who have turned your garage into a home mechanics shop there are a few things that you may need. One of the things that every home mechanic should have is a battery charger and a car starter. This is the reason we have decided to take a closer look at the Schumacher SE-4020 10/40/200-AMP Wheel-Style Charger And Starter.

The one thing I have always hated about working on my own cars is the fact that between starting them over and over and leaving the doors open so the dome light stays on, I would have to charge the battery in order to get the car to start up again. I am sure you have been working on a car and when you go to start it you find out that the battery is dead. Then you have to put the car on a charger and wait anywhere from 5 to 10 hours, depending on your charger, before you can start the car. So I was very excited when they came out with home versions of the charger, starter combination units like they have in the regular garages. But the great thing about the new units is that you don't have to pay $500 to $1,000 for a unit that gives you all the benefits of the more expensive units.

The Schumacher SE-4020 10/40/200-AMP Wheel-Style Charger/Starter is one of those units. And the great thing about this unit is that it is so powerful you can actually find it at your local garage. My cousin owns a garage and when his $1,000 unit stopped working he went out and bought 2 of the Schumacher units and it cost him less than $300 for both units.

By using the 10 amp setting you can completely charge a battery in about 3 to 5 hours. But that is not the best part, using the 40 amp setting you can charge a dead battery in 40 minutes to 2 and 1/2 hours. And of course my favorite feature is the 200 amp setting that can provide up to 350 amps of power to basically allow you to jump start a car instantly. Of course you can use this charger on any type of vehicle including motorcycles and lawn tractors due to the fact that the unit can be switched between 6 and 12 volt vehicles.

Another thing is that the unit comes with a built in timer so you can even set the unit to charge for two hours and walk away. You won't have to worry about overcharging your battery. This unit is also very helpful to people who live in the northern states as many vehicles have a hard time starting in the winter months and the boost you will get from this jump starter will make sure you won't miss work anymore because your car won't start..

More about the Schumacher SE-4020 10/40/200-AMP Wheel-Style Charger And Starter

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